Are you a true Aquarius?


Aquarians are one of the few star signs you can't really generalise about, as no two are alike. Individuality is the main buzz word with this sign, which can sometimes mean they are hard to relate to and understand. An Aquarian can be unpredictable and will often add surprising opinions to a debate.


An Aquarian is a creative, independent spirit, so will generally not be a match with those star signs that are dependent in nature. Although they desire intellectual stimulation, they can flourish in many relationships that give them the freedom to do so. This outlook on life and their creative nature means they will get on best with other air signs, (Gemini and Libra), and fire signs, (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius).


Which Famous People Share the Aquarius Star Sign?

famous AquariusTest your Celebrity knowledge and see if you can find out which famous Stars and Celebrities were born under the Aquarius Star Sign.
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Symbol: The Water Carrier

"A gentle sort and a lovable breed- no meanness of heart is theirs, and of riches they have neither need nor surfeit." (Manilius 1st Century)

The Water Carrier has been associated throughout history with the gods, and how they nourish and energise the earth. One of the first and most famous Water Carrier's was the Greek God Zeus.

Element: Air

Air in the zodiac symbolises both intellect and communication. Air signs are also traditionally great thinkers, and love to analyse situations. Just like the wind they won't always be calm and collected, so look out for the raging storms. Fresh winds can also indicate movement and new beginnings.

Star Stone: Sardonyx

Sardonyx is a member of the quartz family which comes in a wide variety of colours. There has been little written about its properties in relation to the zodiac, but those that believe in crystals as an aid for well being use and sell Sardonyx.
It is known in these circles to increase stamina and self confidence, and thus giving the wearer an optimistic view of life.



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